Friday, April 3, 2015

Fornear Photo Friday | Brian & Leslie's Wedding with Superhero Touches

I'm not sure about you, but are really starting to long for spring to arrive here in Wisconsin. That said, it was really fun to look back on the beautiful day that Brian & Leslie had last June! Their wedding took place in Decatur, Illinois near Matt's home town which is always great when we can make a trip down for great clients and we can sneak in some family and friends time too.

Aren't these Batman cufflinks awesome?!

Oh June, it's such a great time to have a wedding in the Midwest. The weather on this day was literally perfect, the grass is green, it's not too hot, not too cold and no rain... it was great! The day began with the ceremony at a beautiful Catholic cathedral and then we went onto shoot at a really great park in the area.

It's great when we click with our clients and we really enjoyed hanging out with Brian & Leslie because of their fun and awesome personalities but especially their love for superhero movies that they incorporated into their wedding! 

Aren't these shirts under the guy's tuxes awesome too!? I especially love Leslie's nephew the Batman ring bearer, he had no problems getting into character too! 

Thanks for letting us capture your day!

Credits | Author: Krista & Photography: Fornear Photo


  1. Wonderful photos - such a beautiful couple! Looks like they really had an amazing day!
    Krista, I nominated you with the LIEBSTER AWARD..

    1. OMG thank you and THANK YOU!! Can't wait to dig into this!

  2. What a beautiful blog! Looking forward to following along :). Stop by anytime @

  3. What a beautiful blog! Looking forward to following along :). Stop by anytime @

  4. Hey.. You have been tagged for a Liebster award!
    Here I Scribble

  5. Oh my gosh what a FUN wedding, it must have been so awesome to photograph!
