Monday, January 26, 2015

Northwoods Life | Surviving

I have seen a lot of other bloggers picking a "word" for the year. I really didn't think I would be one of those bloggers to get into that type of thing myself but so far 2015 hasn't been what I thought it would be. Right now I am thinking "survive"... but maybe I am wrong but at this moment that's all I can think about trying to do. 

I have been pretty quite the past few weeks and falling behind on weekly posts that I have been really wanting to write but haven't had the energy for. As I write this I hardly have the energy for this one even, and let me tell you..... IT SUCKS! Basically without getting into too many nasty details I have just had a hell of a case of the flu and I HATE being sick! It makes me feel pretty worthless to both myself and the people around me and the last thing I want to be is some big complainer. It all started a little over two weeks ago when some pretty stressful work stuff combined with stressful personal stuff snuck up on me leading to high anxiety and not very good self care practices allowed this bug to get me.

I am of the conclusion that I just need to really start taking better care of myself body, mind and soul. Maybe that means my blog slips a bit, maybe that means I sleep later than I should, maybe that means picking up a book rather than chasing down emails, maybe that means instead of going for that tasty cheesy bite I choose something a bit more green and fresh and maybe that means getting outside and get moving even if it is cold. 

I finally went and got some meds today. I am not a big fan of doing that but I needed to get a clear and positive mind so I can really make 2015 a better year than January has been so far to me. Oh and a deer literally ran into the side of our suburban several weeks ago setting off both sets of side airbags and has been in the shop for almost a month... so that has been insult to injury with all of the sickness garbage too. 

Anyone else out there having a rough 2015 so far? With February around the corner I am determined to turn things around!

Credits | Author: Krista & Photography: Fornear Photo


  1. My 2015 started off great but last week was pretty awful and today is making me worry that it's going to be another bad week. Ugh I need to get away from the negative, you know?

    Here is to SURVIVING.

    1. I feel so bad for your situation too, when work stuff is bad it's hard to let it go even when you REALLY want to! I am just hoping to feel better so I can be better. Hang in there though, us bloggers are here for ya girl! ;-)

  2. Oh man, I am sorry you've been feeling sick and yucky. It's awesome to hear your thoughts about you knowing you need to take care of and time out for you. That's beautiful and so important....and something that's so hard to do half the time isn't it! I hope this week is just an awesome one for you!

    1. Thanks for the thoughts Shannon!! It's slowly getting better, slow is better than not at all!

  3. Hi! New here! So sorry to hear your 2015 hasn't gotten off to a good start. You know what they say - it can only go up for here! Enjoy a cup of tea ( or two!), grab a good book or have a cuddle on the couch. All good for the body and the soul!

    1. Thanks so much for your thoughts and stopping by! Yes I have been guzzling tea too ;-)

  4. Oh no, it seems like everyone is getting sick and I feel like I am about to be too! Bleh! Hopefully the meds will kick in.

  5. January is nearly over though and all will be well :) I've been ok so far this year.....

  6. Really sorry to hear that January has not been treating you well. :( I really hope you start feeling better soon and that February is filled with good things! xo
