Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thirsty Thursday | Choklat, Southern Tier Brewing

Are you in the mood for dessert? I am! I have been super clean with my eating the last 2 weeks now and that means no carbs, dairy or sugar (even chocolate... UGH!) I am way less of a b!@#h that I thought I would be too... ha! I think that's because my saving grace is the 1-2 beers a week that I am allowing myself with zero guilt about having. So what better way to combine my chocolate and beer craving than by having an amazing chocolate beer!? 

Choklat is an absolutely amazing imperial stout brewed with chocolate by Southern Tier Brewing out of Lakewood, New York. Southern Tier makes a plethora of fantastic beer for all palates but where they really seem to have excelled are their collections of chocolate based stouts called the Blackwater Series. If you are looking for the perfect dessert beer any of these would be perfect, but why not start with the original, the Choklat! 

Choklat embraces the complexity of the cacao bean in the most dark and bittersweet way. What I love about this is that you don't just get the chocolate but awesome caramel (my favorite) and vanilla flavors as well. At a whopping 10% ABV this brew will catch up on you fast, especially if you have already enjoyed a few before your dessert rolled around. Some people (mostly women) are afraid of "dark" beer but this is one you should try because if you love chocolate this beer might convert you to loving dark beer!

I can only imagine how this would taste with vanilla custard or truffles... yum! 

Credits | Author: Krista & Photography: Fornear Photo


  1. Good for you for being so disciplined. Always important to allow ourselves to indulge from time to time. Of course not going bananas, but a treat like you're doing it doesn't harm anyone. And with you being the beer connoisseur, I'm sure you really miss your usual.

    I'm not a beer person per se, a few here and there in the hot summer but I got to say, this looks gross. I'm sure it's not, but again, I'm not a huge beer aficionado like you and your hubby. :P To each his own... :)

    1. LOL thank you for the encouragement, I really appreciate it!! I always tell everyone not every beer is for everyone so believe me I am not offended in any way ;-)
